Sons of The American Legion Squadron 42Squadrom 42 Sons of the American Legion meetings are held the third Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM. Chartered June 2, 1981 Members of Squadron 42 are proud to be working with all of the American Legion Family groups to work for the benefits of all veterans, youth programs, and various community projects, If you return to the main page of the Post website, and click on either American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Riders, or programs that the American Legion offers. There is limited space to tell you here all the benefits of belonging to the largest veterans’ service organization in the world. Membership in the Sons of the American Legion is open to males of all ages. For males who have not served in the military, veterans, and current service members of the United States military, the requirements are as follows: Present a copy of a DD214 with an honorable discharge from the military of a parent, step-parent, or grandparent. For further information contact the Post to speak to a Squadron Officer or call (254) 865-4134. Our History:The Sons of The American Legion was created in 1932 as an organization within The American Legion. The S.A.L. is made up of boys and men of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the United States military and became eligible for membership in The American Legion. Today, members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, the Sons of The American Legion and the American Legion Riders make up what is known as The Legion Family. All four organizations place high importance on preserving our American traditions and values, improving the quality of life for our nation's children, caring for veterans and their families, and perhaps most importantly, teaching the fundamentals of good citizenship. Sons focus on much more than just membership. At all levels, Sons support The American Legion in promoting a wide variety of programs. Sons assist their Posts in other activities such as Veterans programs, Veterans Administration home and hospital volunteerism, Children and Youth projects, and fund raising. In just the past ten years, Sons have raised more than a million dollars for The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. Members have volunteered over 223,900 hours to date in 2007 in Veterans Hospitals throughout the country and raised over $915,688 that has gone directly to VA hospitals and VA homes for a variety of items including TVs, radios, medical equipment, and clothing for the patients. Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of Texas State website Call American Legion Post 42 at (254) 865-4134 today! |

Sons of the American Legion
Commander: David Pratt
1st Vice Commander: Lee Boynton
2nd Vice Commander:
Finance Officer:
Chaplain: Mike Reeves
Adjutant: Andy Wibbenmeyer
Sergeant at Arms:
Historian: Ethan Lawhon